Saturday, May 14, 2011


"Home" is an amazing piece of cinematography, the images and music that are shown show a chilling image of the damage that humanity is causing to the world. To watch it is a real kick in the butt about how if people don't change soon it will seriously become too late for any change and we will have truly destroyed the world we live in. But as all indications are we have not done nearly enough to start the change that is needed, the greed and disregard for the world of humanity as a whole continues to destroy everything that we touch. Although the movie is not connected with product design or industrial design it is still an indication to designers about what is needed to be done to change the world. Designers are the ones who give consumers the capacity to continue to buy and consume the worlds resources, they thus should also be the ones who need to take a leadership role in showing consumers how and what action needs to be taken to start the change. Also through design we have the capacity to make people change without them knowing, by changing our designs to be more environmentally friendly consumers wont know they are changing.
It is a movie about the true destruction that we are causing and it shows us that we must act now to change before it is too late, by showing us the smaller details of the problems we are causing it shows how or need for everything is so destructive to everything that we dont notice in the larger picture.

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